
Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Berhari Minggu di Escape Room e@Curve

weekend lepas kitorang pegi escape room kat e@curve damansara..alaa..yang depan ikea tu..hehe..kali ni kitorang buat bertiga je aktiviti ni...tak taula kenapa yang lain-lain taknak join...mungkin sebab benda ni memerlukan kemahiran berfikir logik..argh, lantak pi la depa takmau join...kami tak kisah...jangan kata menyesal tak ikut sudah..haha

actually, aku dah pernah dengar sebelum ni pasal escape room...tapi aku xtau ape mende escape room dalam minggu lepas jugakla aku google mende nampak interesting...dengan selamber book tiket and ambil challange antara yang susah jugakla..haha...ambikkkk...konon difficulty yg paling senang xmencabar....sekali amik yang susah, sampai duduk bersila dok fikir macam mana nak escape dari bilik tu...

kami dah pergi..korang bila plak???

actually game ni macam ni...cabaran dalam 45 minit untuk keluar dari bilik tu...tapi dalam bilik tu akan ada clues untuk unlock pintu untuk keluar.bapakkk susah...haha..

korang boleh refer sini

ni sinopsis dia

Come aboard the wreckage of the cursed remains of The Adventure Galley! Famously captained by the notorious privateer; William Kidd. Legend has it that during his epic sails across the unforgiving Southern Sea, he discovered the cursed treasure of Aztec gold. Then, swallowed whole by the beauty of these cursed coins, he and his crew took this treasure as their own to claim. However, knowing how his life was in danger with these coins in his possession, he never stopped sailing. Constantly looking over his shoulder with the ever lingering paranoia that other merciless pirates were after him and his gold. One day, he and his crew sailed directly into a storm. The storm ravaged the mighty Adventure Galley, tossing it up on an uninhibited island. Your crew and you have discovered the Adventure Galley after years of sailing, and now you have 45 minutes to make your way through the wreckage of the Adventure Galley, find the cursed coins, and escape before the sea sentences you to a watery grave.

susah woiii...ok, kitorang kalah...tapi xberapa nak loser sangatla sebab tinggal 1 clue je lagi yg kitorang xdapat selesaikan sebelum escape...arghhh!!! xcukup 45 minit tu

tapi ok la...first time pasti menang....hahaha

ni la orang penyebab come boleh salah koordinat sedangkan benda tu jadi 'makanan' setiap hari??why...why??haha

ok la..overall...sangat2 berpuas hati dengan game ni...nak main lagi....

harga tiket dari RM 32 - RM36 .... i bet you, it will worth it!!!

tak perlukan stamina fizikal sangatla...sebab santai je..tapi otak kena power...not brainless..haha

abes game terus makan meatball kat ikea....

credit picture : cik tembikaihijau ;)

"I like the challenge of trying different things and wondering whether it's going to work or whether I'm going to fall flat on my face".
Johnny Depp

eh, macam kena plak quote....quote by mr.pirate of Caribbean :P 


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